The story you won’t see in the media


Actor Wendell Pierce, a native New Orleans resident has quietly built 75 homes in the historic African American Pontchartrain Park neighborhood, where he grew up. After Katrina he first rebuilt his parents home, then his neighbors. Pierce is a full-time resident of New Orleans.

He plans on building 100 more homes.

45 thoughts on “The story you won’t see in the media

  1. Pingback: The story you won’t see in the media |

  2. Wendell great job helping your city and neighborhood ! I own a dumpster and portolet company nature station waste contact me we will help you out 985 863 5093

  3. I commend Mr. Pierce for what he has done and will continue to do….This is a perfect example of sharing the wealth…..I am not trying to tell people how to spend their money, however, when the media shares some of the nonsense that wealthy folks spend money on that could be a scholarship for a child in need…..

  4. Amen. Why dont these stories ever make it to main stream media? This is a big deal. If he were scamming or committing some other crime it would be headline news!

    • He discussed some of his work on “HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher,” which is a pretty popular show. I’m not saying “the media” always discusses everyone in a popular light, but “the media” doesn’t force people to run out an act an arse in public. I refuse to blame “the media” for celebrities or everyday people making dumb decisions. In this case though, Bill Maher made a point of talking about how he was disgusted by Pierson’s parents’ home insurance giving them exactly $400 to repair their home. That made that Allstate Insurance company look horrible and rightfully so. It was in September 2015.

  5. God Bless You. Very caring. More stories like this should be on the National News. But reporters only enjoy printing the terrible things that happen. Very sad.

    • No, reporters do not ONLY enjoy printing the “terrible” things that happen. I can name a couple of things I’ve recently written about that supported Black Lives Matter, art, painters, politics against Trump, etc. Unless you know some reporters personally or actually follow something other than Fox news, I would strongly urge you to stop boxing all reporters into a box as though you know them all. You don’t. And if you do, you skipped past me!

  6. This is awesome! If all celebrities or those who have an abundance of money would do the same or similar in their hometowns, the world would be a much better place.

  7. May God continue to bless you. For when tou give to others God will open up windows and pour out blessing to Hugh for you to handle. Keep trusting God.

  8. Hello! My son, Edward Vinot, attended JFK with you, 7th and 8th grades. He speaks of you often. Congrads on all your success. Thank you for all you have done helping the people of New Orleans. We are living in Slidell, for 10 years now, due to Katrina flooding our home near the lakefront. Take care.

  9. That’s a true unsung hero🙆.a sterling example for others to follow,unlike here in south Africa,all they do is take.there are however,people like Wendell,unselfishly goes about,trying to help alleviate other peoples plight.may the ALMIGHTY BLESS HIM IN ABUNDANCE,AMEN🙏

  10. God Bless you. I seen the documentary on the aftermath, (Spike Lee’s Joint), and Mr. Pierce was very emotional when he toured the destruction after Katrina. My heart goes out to those who lost their lives, loved ones, homes and pets. It’s nice to see stories like this. A strong, BLACK MAN, standing up for those who really need the help. So to you, Mr. Pierce, I say, THANK YOU.

  11. Awesome and inspiring and newsworthy! Keep him in Suits! A favorite show of mine! He is so good in it, it is easy to hate him! That’s how good of an actor he is! Thank you, sir, for your kind heart. God bless all your endeavors .

  12. So lovely of you Wendell to build in your community. You are doing what the state does not want to do. I’m proud of you for stepping up.

  13. Pingback: The story you won’t see in the media | TanyaTales

  14. Mr. Wendell, you are a very good God loving Man. May God continue to bless you and keep you safe out of harms way. Your kindness will never be forgotten by many. I’m from small town in Georgia and wish so much to help people and be able to just give. Although I work my last 31 yrs. helping people saving lives and rescue working ems. I still feel the need to do more and people like you are my role model. My goal is to build an weight club and help control diabetes and hypertension in so many that deaf take out due to the like of exercise . I have the property now waiting to build. Keep up the good work.
    James Register from Donalsonville Ga.

  15. That a bless for someone to do something without a camera in his face. He sewing a seed and not for show or a pat on the back. Thank you helping others less fortunate.

  16. Thank you Mr. Pierce for looking out for your community, I’ve lived in the park for 32 years, I
    Love the area, it has a beautiful Golf course,baseball park and play grounds everyone in the city use. I don’t understand why the city is not helping you rebuild this area, it’s everything you want in a community.. I wish there was something you could do about the streets and a few overgrown properties that the city is not addressing!! May God continues to bless you!

  17. Thank you Mr. Pierce, for reinvesting in your community. Each one teach one. Forever grateful for beautiful human beings like yourself. Keep up the good work.

  18. Just wanted to point out that I heard about his hard work and about how his family’s home insurance turned them down for their repairs. It was indeed on a media outlet: “HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher.” Sometimes people can’t wait to blame the media without bothering to fact check.

    • I also want to point out that the story of him building homes was on PBS, Al Jazeera, BET, Democracy Now, Slate, Fox News, LA Times and a new grocery store he built was mentioned on CNN. This story for this blog did not appear out of thin air. While I’m not knocking bringing the story to the limelight, it’s just a flat-out lie to say the media didn’t cover it. Did they make a point of highlighting it? Not at all. But it was covered.

  19. What do I say!? Wel done, Wendell! That neighborhood is my Nanny’s, Miriam Haydel, neighborhood. In fact, my cousin Elton told me you guys used to run the streets as kids (Brother Martin, as well? Can’t remember.) Anyway, brother, way to go, investing in keeping the neighborhood up! Pontchartrain Park, right!? Awesome! God bless you, bro!!

    PS From fellow New Orleanian who misses home. Born in Algiers, but parents moved us to Riverside, CA in 1965.

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